Applications and Links for your Healthspan

Lifeforce, Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis - Summary

2023-07-03, by Jamie

Catch the essence of Tony Robbins' LifeForce in my concise book summary. Delve deep into pioneering insights on stem cells, gene therapy, AI diagnostics, and more. Whether it's about weight loss, combating diseases, or extending healthspan, I've distilled Robbins' wisdom for you. Eager to revolutionize your health and mindset with key takeaways? [read more...]

Outlive, by Peter Attia - Book Summary

2023-07-03, by Jamie

Dr. Peter Attia has written an amazing book called Outlive. In it, he gives a comprehensive view of healthspan and provides a guide for living your healthiest life well into your older years. I created a summary and workbook for Outlive, here. [read more...]

Heart Data Analysis

2023-06-14, by Jamie

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been working with a cardiologist to determine why I have such a slow heart rate. It is typical for my heart rate to rest below 50 bpm during the day and fall below 40 bpm during the night while sleeping. While it isn't abnormal for athletes to have low resting heart rates, and while I am very fitness conscious, I do not consider myself an athelete and therefore a very slow heart rate isn't necessarily normal. [read more...]

Site Updates - May and June 2023

2023-06-02, by Jamie

Over the course of May, I made quite a few improvements to the site, adding a number of new capabilities. Most notably, is the Apple iOS Health Data export tool, allowing a user to create graphs and produce a CSV file containing heart data from their iOS Health app. I actually created this application because I needed something that did exactly this - produce some graphs that showcased my heart rate. Recently I've been noticing my heart rate dropping exceptionally low while sleeping. In a few instances, it's dropped to below 40 bpm. I'm now getting some tests done with long running ECG and Holter and additional stress tests. Some people have just attributed it to being healthy and fit, but I certainly don't consider myself an athlete.... [read more...]

Site Updates - April 2023

2023-04-20, by Jamie

I saw a squirrel the other day ripping apart my pool cover. It was trying to get bits of fabric for a nest or something. And it was not letting up! It nearly destroyed my 1 year old pool cover. But I only tell you this story because, like the squirrel not letting up, I haven't been letting up on adding things to this website... [read more...]